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Resources from Sunday’s Service

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Call to Worship & Prayers for Ourselves & Others:  adapted from text by Carol Penner as posted on www.leadinginworship.com

Opening Prayer:  adapted from text in Common Order, Panel on Worship, Church of Scotland, 1994; as posted on www.faithward.org

Blessing & Sending Forth:  adapted from textby Cheryl Stenson, Glebe Road UC, Toronto ON; in ‘Gathering Lent/Easter 2021, p. 40.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

A Lenten Litany of Confession & Assurance of Grace – adapted from the work of Karen Lumley, St. Andrew’s River Heights United Church and Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd,  Westworth United Church, Winnipeg, Manitoba.  Their work is inspired by the Teachings of Cree Elder Very Rev. Stan McKay and Rev. Susan Lukey’s Lenten Lament (“Seeking Right Relations”, Gathering Drama File LE 2018 based on Year C of the Revised Common Lectionary). As published in Gathering Drama File LE 2022.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Message              “The Soul of Justice”

by The Rev. Dr. John Pentland,

Hillhurst United Church, Calgaryhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3RxyaLJbHA 41.13-1.11:39

A Lenten Litany of Confession & Assurance of Grace – adapted from the work of Karen Lumley, St. Andrew’s River Heights United Church and Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd,  Westworth United Church, Winnipeg, Manitoba.  Their work is inspired by the Teachings of Cree Elder Very Rev. Stan McKay and Rev. Susan Lukey’s Lenten Lament (“Seeking Right Relations”, Gathering Drama File LE 2018 based on Year C of the Revised Common Lectionary). As published in Gathering Drama File LE 2022.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

A Lenten Litany of Confession & Assurance of Grace – adapted from the work of Karen Lumley, St. Andrew’s River Heights United Church and Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd,  Westworth United Church, Winnipeg, Manitoba.  Their work is inspired by the Teachings of Cree Elder Very Rev. Stan McKay and Rev. Susan Lukey’s Lenten Lament (“Seeking Right Relations”, Gathering Drama File LE 2018 based on Year C of the Revised Common Lectionary). As published in Gathering Drama File LE 2022.

Prayers for Ourselves and Others – adapted from text by Rev. Sarah A. Speed, Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, New York NY; as posted at https://www.fapc.org/prayers-of-the-people

Video “Yes, You Can!”   


Video                 “Your Generosity Inspires Purpose – Nicole’s Story”

From the Message:


Sunday, March 13, 2022

A Lenten Litany of Confession & Assurance of Grace – adapted from the work of Karen Lumley, St. Andrew’s River Heights United Church and Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd,  Westworth United Church, Winnipeg, Manitoba.  Their work is inspired by the Teachings of Cree Elder Very Rev. Stan McKay and Rev. Susan Lukey’s Lenten Lament (“Seeking Right Relations”, Gathering Drama File LE 2018 based on Year C of the Revised Common Lectionary). As published in Gathering Drama File LE 2022.

Offering Prayer & Prayers for Ourselves and Others – adapted from text by Carol Penner, as posted at https://leadinginworship.com

Video         “Our Generation: The Mission & Service Music Video”

Video                   “Rise and Mend” (saltproject.org) click here

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Opening Prayer – adapted from work by Chris Heckert, as posted at https://re-worship.blogspot.com/2012/02/lent-1-call-to-worship-prayer.html

A Lenten Litany of Confession & Assurance of Grace – adapted from the work of Karen Lumley, St. Andrew’s River Heights United Church and Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd,  Westworth United Church, Winnipeg, Manitoba.  Their work is inspired by the Teachings of Cree Elder Very Rev. Stan McKay and Rev. Susan Lukey’s Lenten Lament (“Seeking Right Relations”, Gathering Drama File LE 2018 based on Year C of the Revised Common Lectionary). As published in Gathering Drama File LE 2022. 

Video         “Bring Me to Your Light” (Words and Music, Pat Mayberry)


Video                        “Deep Spirituality, Bold Discipleship, Daring Justice”

Sunday, February 27, 2022 (Pulpit Supply Kassandra Matthews)

Sunday February 20, 2022 (Pulpit Supply Yujene Oh)

Call to WorshipCelebrate God’s Presence 6F001, p.123

Opening PrayerBill Steadman, Goulais River U.C., Goulais River, Ont, Gathering, ACE 2021-22, p.18. used with permission.

Blessing & Sending Forth Kate Gregory, Belwood-Metz P.C., Belwood, Ont.Gathering, ACE 2021-22, p.18. used with permission.)

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Video                   “The Right Role” from ‘Leatherheads’    *Wingclips.com https://www.wingclips.com/movie-clips/leatherheads/the-right-role?play=1

A Prayer for Black History Month by Alydia Smith https://united-church.ca/prayers/recommitting-justice-equity-and-peace

Call to Worship – from“Worship Liturgy for Black History Month 2022: Stories of Black Experiences in Canadian Churches”, as available at https://united-church.ca/worship-special-days/black-history-month-2

Offering Prayerfrom St Martins Presbyterian Church, Christchurch, as posted at

Prayers for Ourselves & Others – adapted from “Embracing Peace Congregational Prayer” by Carol Penner, as posted at https://leadinginworship.com/2022/02/embracing-peace-congregational-prayer/

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Call to Worship – adapted from work by Carol Penner as posted at https://leadinginworship.com/2015/06/wholly-yours-responsive-call-to-worship-1/

Opening Prayer, Assurance of Grace, Offering Invitation & Prayer, Blessing & Sending Forth (all adapted) – from“Called to Be the Church: The Journey: The Congregational Giving Program – Discover Your Gifts—Share Your Gifts: Five Sundays in Epiphany”; resources collaboratively prepared by Catherine Stuart, Ian March-MacCuish, Evan ??? Smith, Matthew Fillier


Video Affirmation        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Q5ZwumQM7o

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Opening Prayer, Offering Invitation & Prayer, Prayers for Ourselves & Others, and Blessing & Sending Forth (adapted) – from“Called to Be the Church: The Journey: The Congregational Giving Program – Discover Your Gifts—Share Your Gifts: Five Sundays in Epiphany”; resources collaboratively prepared by Catherine Stuart, Ian March-MacCuish, Evan ??? Smith, Matthew Fillier


From the Message:

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country


https://www.weekofprayer.ca/sites/default/files/Story Between Darkness and Light.pdf

Video                   “Between Darkness and Light” (Inshallah Community Choir)

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Today’s liturgy is adapted from text offered in “Called to Be the Church: The Journey: The Congregational Giving Program – Discover Your Gifts—Share Your Gifts: Five Sundays in Epiphany”; resources collaboratively prepared by Catherine Stuart, Ian March-MacCuish, Evan ??? Smith, Matthew Fillier


Communion Liturgy – introduction to The Great Thanksgiving adapted from text by Rev. Elsa Peters, The United Churches of Olympia, WA.

Friday, December 24, 2021 Christmas Eve

Video          “O Come, Emmanuel”

Video          “Joy to the World” by Igniter Media

Reading             “The Night of His Birth” by Katherine Paterson                            Illustrated by Lisa Aisato

Advent Wreath Candle Lighting – by David Sparks, Summerland BC; Gathering, A/C/E, 2014/15, p. 61.

Gathering Prayer – by David Sparks, Summerland BC; Gathering, A/C/E, 2021/22, p. 37.

Prayer of Illumination – by Richard Bott, Vancouver BC; Gathering, A/C/E, 2021/22, p. 38.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021 The Longest Night Service

Remembering in Hope – from ‘Loss, Healing, and Hope’ by Rev. Dr. Andy O’Neil, ‘Advent Unwrapped’, The United Church of Canada, 2016.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Advent Wreath Candle Lighting – by David Sparks, Summerland BC; Gathering, A/C/E, 2014/15, p. 61.

Offering Prayer – Frances Flook, Emo ON; Gathering, A/C/E, 2014/15, p. 31; adapted.

Video         “O Come, Love”

Video                   “Hold the Child Gently” by Ron Klusmeier

“A Blessing for the Advent of Love” by Kate Bowler, ‘The Season of Almost’

o God, we are waiting, we are longing for You, o Lord of Love! Jesus come!


“and John said, ‘Are you the one who is to come, or shall we look for another?’” (Matthew 11:3)


“He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters.” (Psalm 18:1–36)


blessed are we who look to You o Christ! and wait for the fulfillment of that love which is higher, deeper, fuller than anything we have ever known.

blessed are we in our incompleteness, this place where we are overwhelmed who hear you saying, I come!

despite all, I come bringing true life and health and healing and love that never ends.

blessed are we who see You, o Saviour!

the light that dawned so long ago in that dark stable, shining in the perfection of love given, love received, enfolding us into the heart of Your beauty and glory and bliss.

blessed are we, looking into Your face, into the gaze of the beloved, the One who knows us best of all, and calls us His very own.


receive this, your inheritance: love has come for you. “I have come that they might have life, and that abundantly.” (John 10:10)


Sunday, December 12, 2021

Call to Worship – adapted from work by Joanna Harader, as published at https://revgalblogpals.org/2020/12/08/worship-words-for-advent-3-joy/

Advent Wreath Candle Lighting – by David Sparks, Summerland BC; Gathering, A/C/E, 2014/15, p. 61.

Offering Prayer – Frances Flook, Emo ON; Gathering, A/C/E, 2014/15, p. 31.

Video “O, Come Joy”

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Advent Wreath Candle Lighting – by David Sparks, Summerland BC; Gathering, A/C/E, 2014/15, p. 61.

Offering Prayer – Frances Flook, Emo ON; Gathering, A/C/E, 2014/15, p. 31; adapted.

Prayers for Ourselves & Others – by Carol Penner as published at https://carolpenner.typepad.com/leadinginworship/advent/

Video “O, Come Peace”

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Video “Oh, Come Hope”

Growing Together

A Prayer During a Pause in Christmas Shopping…

God of market, God of sanctuary, God of our heart’s deepest desire, hold us still, this moment, among these throngs.

Claim our allegiance over the lure of advertisers, that with a heightened sense of stewardship, we may plan sensibly and spend wisely.

For the sake of the One who is coming to us: homeless, obscure, and soon to be a refugee. Amen. (Wenh-In Ng, Birthing the Promise: Advent Reflections)

Blessing and Sending Forth

Call to Worship – by Daniel Hayward, South Stormont ON; Gathering, A/C/E, 2014/15, p. 28.

Advent Wreath Candle Lighting – by David Sparks, Summerland BC; Gathering, A/C/E, 2014/15, p. 61.

Offering Prayer – Frances Flook, Emo ON; Gathering, A/C/E, 2014/15, p. 31.

Communion Liturgy – “In the Rich Dark of Winter: An Advent Communion” by Andrew O’Neil, Riverview NB; https://united-church.ca/sites/default/files/rich-dark-winter_advent-communion.pdf

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Opening Prayer & Offering Prayer – by Hans Holznagel as posted at
www.ministrymatters.com for November 21, 2021.
Prayers for Ourselves & Others – adapted from ‘Life in Liturgy’ from the
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ); reposted at https://re-worship.blogspot.com/2018/07/pastoral-prayer.html

Article from Offering Invitation: https://www.christiancentury.org/article/first-person/kingdom-heaven-brooklyn-public-library#:~:text=And%20so%2C%20one%20more%20parable%3A%20the%20kingdom%20of,rules.%20What%20it%20has%2C%20it%20must%20give%20away

Audrey Assad – Your Peace Will Make Us One

Vance Morgan article

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Call to Worship (by Katherine Hawker, http://liturgyoutside.net/)

Video                   “Tattoed” by saltproject.org (from Isaiah 49: 13-16)


“A Prayer for the Road Ahead” by Carol Penner

I seek you, God, in the spaces of my life.
The spaces between what I’ve done
and what I’ve left undone.
The spaces between my convictions
and my actions,
the spaces between all that I hoped to do,
and what I’ve actually done.
I come with humility,
knowing that I can’t always see
the way I’ve disappointed you,
nor can I always see
the long-term effects of the good I’ve done.
This is a prayer for the road ahead,
which is an empty space stretching before me.
Fill me with a burning compassion
for my brothers and sisters,
a love that will not let me go.
Give me courage to give boldly,
love simply,
hope deeply,
risk greatly.
My light is small,
my time is short,
but let it shine for you,
always, ever, all for you.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Call to Worship – by Juanita Austin, Sicamous BC; Gathering, Pentecost 2 2016 (Year C), p. 48. (adapted)
Opening Prayer – by Bill Steadman (adapted)
Offering Prayer – by Gord Dunbar, Kincardine ON; Gathering, Pentecost 2 2021 (Year B), p. 46

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Sunday, October 10, 2021

From the Message

Call to Worship & Blessing and Sending Forth – by Beverly Brazier, Gathering, Pentecost 1 2017; p. 53.
Opening Prayer – by Richard Bott (The Rt. Rev. Dr.), when at Dunbar Heights UC, Vancouver BC; Gathering, Pentecost 2, 2017, p. 43.
Prayers for Ourselves & Others – adapted from work by Carol Penner as
published at https://leadinginworship.com/2021/10/thanksgiving-in-times-likethese

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Opening Prayer – with text from a prayer for World Communion Sunday, in Parables, Prayers, and Promises: Daily Devotions on Jesus (UCPH, 2016)

Communion Invitation & Prayers – by the Iona Community, as published at https://www.umcdiscipleship.org/articles/world-communion-sunday-2021-resources#anchor4 , shared from VOICES TOGETHER, First Edition- Published by MennoMedia (2020) Harrisburg, Virginia.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Video        “Orange Shirt Day 2021” A Message from The UCC Moderator,                  The Rt. Rev. Dr. Richard Bott

Call to Worship & Prayers for Ourselves and Others – adapted from work by Carol Penner as published at www.leadinginworship.com

Blessing & Sending Forth – adapted from work by Rev. Andy Braunston, as published at www.ecocongregationsscotland.org

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Video: Fields of Praise, Jim Strathdee https://strathdeemusic.com/FieldsOfPraise.html

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Call to Worship: Mary Oliver, “Why I Wake Early,” in Devotions: The Selected Poems of Mary Oliver (New York: Penguin Press, 2017), p. 171.

Opening Prayer: Keri K. Wehlander, the “Gathering” from chapter 14, “Joy is our Banquet,” in Joy is our Banquet: Resources for Everyday Worship (Etobicoke: The United Church Publishing House, 1996), p. 77; adapted.

Growing Together: Arnold Lobel, “Alone,” in Days With Frog and Toad (New York: HarperCollins Publishers Inc., 1979), p. 52-64. 

Prayer before the Message: J. Philip Newell, “Prayer for the Life of the World,” in Praying with the Earth: a Prayerbook for Peace (Toronto: Novalis, 2011), p. 52.

Prayers for Ourselves and Others: Part of the introduction is a quote from Mary Oliver, “Praying,” in Devotions: The Selected Poems of Mary Oliver (New York: Penguin Press, 2017), p. 131.

Blessing and Sending Forth: Mary Oliver, “When I Am Among The Trees,” in Devotions: The Selected Poems of Mary Oliver (New York: Penguin Press, 2017), p. 123.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

The Burton Family video – unedited version click https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcDo30BTR_w

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Call to Worship – adapted from text by Rev. Dr. Joanne Carlson Brown (Tibbetts United Methodist Church, Seattle); as posted at https://www.ministrymatters.com/all/entry/4785/worship-elements-march-15-2020

Opening Prayer – by Corremeela; as posted at https://www.corrymeela.org/cmsfiles/Prayers-for-Community-in-Time-of-Pandemic—Easter-to-Pentecost-2021.pdf

Prayers for Ourselves & Others – adapted from work by Carol Penner; as posted at https://leadinginworship.com/2015/06/summer-congregational-prayer/

Blessing & Sending Forth – from the Anglican Diocese of Sydney, Australia; as posted at http://www.bettergatherings.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=111&Itemid=99

Sunday, July 4, 2021

(Barbara Brown Taylor, An Altar in the World: A Geography of Faith)

Beth A. Richardson Christ Beside Me, Christ Within Me: Celtic Blessings,

James Taylor “Everyday Psalms”

Sunday, June 27, 2021

‘What Is GOD Like?’          By Rachel Held Evans & Matthew Paul Turner

Kate Bowler https://katebowler.com/

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Richard Wagamese, “Embers”

Indigenous Day of Prayer – Jesus, Glue and Glitter (wordpress.com)

Sunday, May 16, 2021

WCC laments “precious lives lost,” abhors violence affecting places of worship in Holy Land | World Council of Churches (oikoumene.org)

A call to stop the violence | The United Church of Canada (united-church.ca)

Prayer for Palestine and Israel | Mennonite Central Committee Canada (mcccanada.ca)

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Hi everyone! This is the wonderful article I mentioned in yesterday’s service. Please check it out, if you haven’t already; and please continue to support and pray for Shadi, his family, and all of our newest neighbours. What a privilege and joy to be one part of their brave lives. https://mcccanada.ca/…/resettled-refugees-support-front…

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