This Week at Trinity, Beamsville
Friday, March 20, 2020
Dear Friends,
This week has been defined by challenges and changes, for every one of us in this community. As you know from the many messages and updates coming from the church office to you, we’ve been trying to find the right words at the right times, to communicate in the midst of each new development. All along the way, you have been gracious and supportive and, while it pains us not to see you, as your Staff team we still know we are exceedingly blessed, serving with you and caring for you, best we can.
As you can well imagine, and as I’m sure you’re experiencing yourself, there is a never-ending stream of words and wisdom coming our way, every day, from every imaginable source. We’re all grappling to process what’s happening to us and around us. We’re looking for constructive measures to proceed with integrity and compassion, even as we wait daily for word on what we can, and increasingly cannot do. Fortunately, we are surrounded with many, many faithful and articulate voices, calling us to perspective and choices that will carry us and renew us, spiritually, mentally, and physically.
In the midst of it all, I’m thinking often about what will be said in the future, of this time in our collective history. For the children too young to access these memories, and for those who will be born long after, how will this pandemic be described and remembered? What images will be held and shared? What phrases will become emblematic of our responses, as a local and global community?
Of course we don’t know the answers to any of that, yet. I can say that a quick scroll through my phone’s photo stream reveals what and whom I’m holding closest at heart. Linguistically, there’s a resounding theme of patience; of trusting God’s presence remains real and alive; of holding ourselves to the long view of our Creator, even as we give ourselves the kindness of facing only one day at a time.
In that spirit, and for this extended moment, here’s one of the texts I’m looking at each morning when I rise. Forwarded from Leonard Sweet, the title on the image is “Daily Quarantine Questions”, but I’ve adapted that to “Daily Thriving Questions”. They go like this:
What am I GRATEFUL for today?
What expectations of “normal” am I LETTING GO OF today?
How am I MOVING MY BODY today?
What BEAUTY am I either creating, cultivating, or inviting in today?
As people of faith, walking in the Way of Jesus, may your answers speak of self-care, self-compassion, self-confidence, and self-awareness. May they speak equally of community care, compassion, confidence, and awareness. May your words and your ways stay focused on our great God of all time and people, who answers all of our questions with unconditional Love, and unwavering promise that there is another side to this valley; and there we will again know life in its incredible fullness, in ways beyond our imagining.
With abiding love to you all,
“There, there where we work with the love of healing hands.
Labour we must, true to our trust to build a promised new land.”
(Carolyn McDade, ‘I See a New Heaven’; Voices United 713)