This Week at Trinity, Beamsville
Friday, November 1, 2019
Dear friends,
We are still coming down from a special celebration last Sunday. The highlight for me personally was when our Trinity legacy quilt was presented to the children. As they admired it, they were invited to imagine passing on a legacy quilt with their own names, to generations to come. We continue in a similar vein this Sunday as we celebrate All Saints Sunday. As we reflect on the rich past of those generations before us, what a treasure it is to dream of the future.
I am especially excited about the church that is and is to come since recently taking part in Niagara Youth Festival. It is a gathering of youth from the wider United Church from as far north as the Ottawa Valley and as far south as Pittsburg. Around two-hundred youth gathered to learn, experience Niagara, and worship together at Silver Spire United, St. Catharines. The energy they brought to worship was inspiring. With maturity and a spirit of joy, they took part in footwashing and the sacrament of communion. (You read that right – footwashing!) I witnessed youth thoughtfully and boldly ask difficult faith questions. I heard youth pray with vulnerability and honesty. I saw youth build one another up. I saw bonds forged between people of all ages, races and places. Our own crew of youth along with leader Brynna were in attendance, and even carved out some time to plan a special service in November. I am looking forward to their leadership. So often we read about a church that is dying, but in so many ways it is very much alive. What a blessing it is to be part of something greater than ourselves, to see the ways God has, does, and will continue to live and love through us.
Kassandra Matthews
Student Minister